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Lavae Aldrich * 505-520-5822 *

Los Lunas, New Mexico




Art Glass (system 96) Tiles and Building Materials Recycled and Bottle Glass Jewelry Painting with Glass Powders and Frit

System 96 Art Glass

Building Materials


Frit Paintings

Recycled and Bottle Glass


Address: 3960 Mora river Ave. SW

Los Lunas, NM  87031

Phone: 505-520-5822

Email: lavae@casaelgecko.com

Facebook: Gecko Glass - fused glass (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?Id=100063553842783)

Instagram: geckoglass (https://instagram.com/geckoglass)

ETSY: https://www.etsy.com/shop/GeckoGlassArt. Smaller pieces are for sale online:

If you see any piece you’d like to learn more about, please email me.

Classes are scheduled on request. English and Spanish spoken, maybe French.  Call or email to make a reservation (required).